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Public Trust Buy Manitoba Brand & Program Strategy

The Challenge: A collaboration with Manitoba Agriculture and Food & Beverage Manitoba, Buy Manitoba was a multi-year program aimed at instilling trust and pride while increasing domestic consumption of locally produced and processed foods.

The Solution: Armed with consumer demographic and psychographic research, we worked closely in collaboration with Buy Manitoba to develop a Public Trust Brand and Program Strategy to engage and inspire target audiences and propel sustainable, marked sales growth of locally grown and processed foods. The strategy focused on key areas such as program branding and positioning, key messaging, target audiences, influencers, critical success factors, a “critical path to success” schematic, and recommended execution tactics.

The Outcome: The in-store launch was supported by marketing and communications tactics rolled out through a variety of traditional and new media. Results included sustained media coverage, industry participation, public engagement, and a 2.5 percent increase in grocery store sales of locally produced and processed foods (representing millions of dollars) within the first year. As well, government continued to support the program.